Justin had a birthday on Saturday and he turned 23! It was such an awesome day. Both of our families were in Rexburg so naturally we partied! I'll post pictures later. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN :)
Today is one of those days where I can't stop counting my blessings. I feel so grateful for everything Heavenly Father has blessed me with this year! As the year comes to an end I look back and feel overwhelmed with everything Justin and I have been blessed with. Finals are stressful and finances are frustrating but every time we pay our tithing I know everything is going to be alright :) I have never been happier and apparently today is just one of those days where it hits you...life is really good.
The Thanksgiving break was amazing. I was so glad we got to be in California, where it was warm! We had so much fun and did so many things but here are some of the highlights:
-Driving through the night and surprising Jules (classic) -Fourthmeal every night -Black Friday shopping (we did SO much work) -Thanksgiving dinner, of course -Giving Nala and Rusty a bath one day -Knotts Berry Farm with all the cousins -LA fabric district with my momma -Watching Nate play hockey -Seeing Allie and David (love them) -Having fires in the fireplace and watching Elf -Eating at in-n-out 3 times in one week -Texas hold em night for the boys
And those are just the highlights...
We were very sad to leave and come back to the North Pole. Seriously though. Rexburg is like the North pole right now. It's freezing and it snows everyday! Lovely. Anyway I am looking forward to finals week BECAUSE my family and Justin's family are coming to Rexburg! Long story short...my car needed some fixing and it didn't get done in time when we were in California SO I took my mom's car up here and she has my car down in California. They are coming up to switch cars with me and pick up caroline from school. Justin's family is coming to help all of us move! I am so excited for everyone to be here for Justin's birthday! Only 2 more weeks and the semester is over. yay! Christmas is just around the corner and i've put up a few decorations. I don't have a lot..we are poor and I'm just starting out my collection!
I had really cute Christmas paper SO I decorated my fridge with it! Ghetto..yes but I love it.
I already posted about our tree so yep that's basically it. We will be in Twin with Justin's family over Christmas! Can't wait :)