Saturday, March 1, 2014

The last 3ish months

The last few months have been awesome. Hudson is getting busier and busier every day. He started walking exactly 2 weeks before his first birthday and he definitely prefers walking over crawling. He still doesn't LOVE food but there are certain foods he will tolerate haha picky picky. We have made a few trips to Disneyland and spent lots of time with family. I love my days with Hudson, whether it's spent at Disneyland or just hanging around the house. This kid keeps me entertained, always! I love him more than I could have ever imagined. I still miss him when he's asleep and I could watch him play with his toys and walk around the house exploring all day long. Love you H. 

Hudson turns 1

It was a party at the park and it was perfect. The weather was perfect. The company was perfect. Oh and Hudson was perfect, of course! He walked around the party waving and smiling at everyone. When it came to eating the cake, he had NO idea what to do but his cousin Braden stepped in to help him :) It was sad because Justin couldn't be there but you better believe we had another party as soon as I got back to Arizona. Happy Birthday Hudson, we love you!