Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today I found an ETSY shop with the cutest pillows. Ah! I am totally coveting these pillows right now. They are so cute and I want them for our bed or to put on the couch or something. I just want them.
BUT I will show some self restraint. I will X out of the browser and bring it back up again on payday :) Cheers!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Blue Slushie

Justin and I had a fun weekend together! We decided to take our mattress off of our bed and put it in the living room. The TV is in the living room so we thought we would have a little sleepover! We went to Sonic and got some delicious drinks. I got a coconut berry slushie and Justin got a sonic blast with oreos. Of course, we stopped by the Redbox on the way home and rented Bounty Hunter. It was an awesome night because it was just us. This week it's going to be over 100 degrees...SWEET. My little brother Ryan aka LOU BOB turned 16 yesterday. WHAT? Last week he was like 7 years old and now he's 16?! This is madness. Well anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN! Ladies watch out....this kid can date. Oh p.s. Justin and I have been married for 100 days. Nice.
Oh and P.S.S. Did I mention...remember those pretty little running shoes a couple posts back?? Well low and behold putting them on my blog worked and they are currently on my feet.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Basically this is what it looks like outside right now....
The rain never ends...and when I say rain I mean RAIN. In Arkansas it pours. To say it is simply raining would be an understatement. Anyway, the rain is good when you are at home curled up on the couch, under a blanket and watching a good movie or reading a good book. That's probably what my weekend is going to look like.
Well, have a good weekend!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Right now I really want these sweet shoes. In my opinion, they are the girly but not too girly. They have pink but not a lot of pink. Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud when I say that I really want these. Maybe this blog post will make it to the eyes of my sweet Husband. Life is good today because....

Justin and I just bought plane tickets.
There is food in the crock pot waiting for us at home.
Today it is 92 degrees with 5,000 percent humidity. AWESOME.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So this is love.

The reason for my post is because i've been feeling a lot of this lately.
........And the reason for this feeling is definitely this guy.
Justin and I have been married for three months now!
I love how he knows me so well.
I love that he cares about how I feel and what I have to say.
I love how much we have grown as a couple in these past 3 months.
I love his heart.
I love him!

Life Rocks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th of July

So what is this thing they call fireworks? Basically growing up in California has crippled me from having any experience with fireworks. They are illegal in Yorba Linda. Of course, we watched the fireworks show every 4th of July, but I never actually got to set off my own fireworks. My fireworks experience began and ended with a sparkler. Well, low and behold fireworks are legal in most parts of Arkansas. Before the 4th we hit up a fireworks store and it was like nothing I had ever seen before! It was like Costco but the place was full of fireworks. I didn't even know where to begin. I didn't know what was good, cool etc. I just sat and watched as Justin and his friends ooohed and awwwed over different fireworks. We purchased some goods and I was more excited than I let on. The 4th of July was like a normal Sunday. We went to church, taught our sunbeams, took naps and ate dinner. As it started getting dark, we headed up to Beaver Lake. We found a sweet spot and started setting off fireworks. Justin made a big deal out of me setting off my first firework. haha how embarrassing. Anyway, it was really fun. We set them off at the edge of the lake and watched them light up the sky. It was like there was a dozen different fireworks shows going on because everyone was having their own! It was really fun and an awesome way to spend the 4th. It's a little different without lots of family around but we have good friends out here with us and maybe next year we can be with family :) So the other night we went to Zaxby's for dinner. Awesome food. I told Justin it was one of my favorite places so far, but apparently I say that a lot so who knows! All I know is that is was really good and I really want to go back. Okay so along with pictures from the 4th..and from Zaxby's..I am going to post some pictures of my sunbeams. I can't help it. I love them. They are so much fun! Oh and by the way...I got a MacBook Pro. It's beautiful. I am obsessed with it. Justin always jokes with me and says, Man its really sad that i've lost my wife to a computer. I don't spend that much time on it...I promise:) Well until next time...cheers!
Justing and his cousin, Bradley.
A firework that we set off. No joke.
He was really tired after work. haha.
So cute!
Seriously love them. They are adorable!

Friday, July 2, 2010

La Huerta?!

Life here in Arkansas has been GREAT. We work and we work and then we work some more...but were making money right?! Regardless of all the working, we have been able to have some fun! On the weekends, we try and get out. There are many things that Arkansas has to offer, including a little gem called La Huerta. ha. I was googling good mexican restaurants and this place came up as one of the best in the area, so we tried it out! It was fun and who doesn't love cheap mexican food? Anyway, our sunbeams are awesome and life is bliss. We don't have school or anything stressful to worry about so that's nice. I'm kind of dreading going back to school. The late nights in the library and countless hours spent in the computer labs don't sound very appealing right now. Justin and I keep telling will be better...were married..haha we might be kidding ourselves but it will be nice to come home to him every night. This is kind of what we have been up to lately. Oh by the waY..Justin messed up some vertebrae in his back the other day, which caused one of his ribs to come out of place. Needless to say there have been many sleepless nights spent icing and comforting this guy. Poor Justy :( It is getting better and hopefully by next week he will be good as new! We are looking forward to the family trip to Lake Havasu in August and some time spent with our families at the end of the summer. Until next time.....cheers!
I love this guy more and more every day.
On our way to La Huerta.
...And there it is! The Infamous La Huerta.