I've been wanting to take Hudson on the swings for a while but they always seem so big and Hudson seems so small. So one afternoon we headed over to the park and it was only only 80 degrees outside (!!!!!!) The heat is starting to fade into the fall and I'm beyond excited. It's like never ending summer around here. Anyway we went to the park and Hudson LOVED the swings. I had high expectations for this and it exceeded my expectations. He was laughing and smiling the whole time. I am so grateful for every single day I get to spend with him. It doesn't seem possible but my love for him grows more and more every single day. Sometimes I feel like my heart could burst! We will be making lots of trips back to the swings.
My little bow tie boy passed the 6 month mark back in August and so I had to take a few pictures. I could take pictures of this babe all day. He is so happy and funny. I love everything about this age! He is easily entertained and already scooting around. He is very easy to make laugh and once he gets going, he will just laugh and laugh and laugh. I can't get enough of it! He was such a champ in the sleeping department but as of late, he seems to be going backwards. His 10-12 hour stretches have turned into 3-4 hour stretches. Teething? Growth spurt? I don't know!!! The lack of sleep is rough but cuddling that little babe in the middle of the night makes it all okay. At his 6 month appt. he weighed exactly 16 lbs (25%) and was 27.5 inches long (85%). He continues to be our long skinny boy :)
Summer 2013 has been one for the books. We got to spend time with family, move into and new place and get used to living in Arizona. We moved to Arizona back when Hudson was first born. The first few months after I had Hudson were kind of a blur. I spent a lot of days inside trying to figure out the whole mom thing. Now that we have a better routine, I've been able to explore a little bit. I'm still getting used to the heat and the landscape but overall I'm loving it. Justin is working full time, and I am blessed to stay home with the babe so there's no complaining over here :)
These pictures are from a family vacation we took with my family. We spent a week in Lake Arrowhead! It was a blast.