For the first time, someone actually asked me,"When are you due?" It honestly caught me off guard because I always have to tell people I'm pregnant and for the first time someone just noticed and asked me! I was kinda like whaaaaat? I probably looked confused and I kind of paused for a really long time...umm..uhhh..oh yeah! February 15th! HA. It was quite embarrassing. It was at church and the lady probably thinks I'm losing it or something. Anyway, here is the all it's glory. This picture was taken at 24.5 weeks.
I really feel the need to document this dream I had the other night and I don't know why. I can't stop thinking about it, it was so weird and random. Apparently J and I went away for the weekend and left baby H with my mom. We came home from the little vacation and I asked my mom,"Where is the baby?" She responded with,"Oh I don't know, I've been putting him in the freezer cause he won't shut up." OMG OMG. I panicked and opened up the freezer but he wasn't in there. I went into his bedroom and there he was laying in his crib with just a diaper on and he was crying. I remember picking him up and holding him. The weird part (besides my mother putting him in the freezer??) was all the sudden I felt this immense amount of love for the little guy. I woke up feeling like I had just comforted him and held him in my arms and it was amazing! Funny how dreams can feel so real. I actually saw his little face but he didn't look like J and we will see!
Halloween is coming up and J and I don't have costumes...(losers) I just don't feel like dressing up all cute and what not when I feel like a whale. Yeah, I said it. I feel like a whale. I know that's terrible thinking but some days I don't want to get dressed and I don't want to get all done up when I'm starting to feel massive. Wow, that felt good to get off my chest. I'm just being honest, and this is honestly how I feel. I wouldn't trade being pregnant for anything but no one told me about this part...the part where you kind of just feel large. The end result is what keeps me sane. I'm so excited to hold him and cuddle him everyday. It's practically all I think about these days. I think about how we are broke and about how excited I am to bring a little boy into this world. The holidays will make the time fly by and before I know it, he will be here. Some days I just wish I could tell him how much I love him and how much I think about him and about the silly dream I had or about how I freak out if I don't feel him for like 1.5 hours. (no joke) I know we will be the best of friends, my little buddy and me.